Kalaka is devoted to finding peace of body, mind, and soul, through yoga and meditation. He began practicing meditation 30 years ago, and yoga 23 years ago, with a committed practice over the last 10 years, studying regularly with local Chico instructors, Rex Stromness, Cheri Neal, Lisa Weber, Tom Hess, and Amanda Correia. Kalaka is enthusiastic about sharing all that yoga truly has to offer, based upon his lived experience of how yoga can transform us in the most incredible ways. He is a Yoga Alliance Registered Yoga Teacher (RYT) at the 200-hour level through Spira Yoga School. He graduated with certificates of academic excellence in each category his training covered. Kalaka is passionately interested in and intensely curious about the profound truths explained in the traditional philosophy and practice of yoga, and how this knowledge can be applied in all aspects of our daily lives. He blends a classical approach to yoga with his own unique modern interpretation of traditional methods and styles to develop a unique practice of vinyasa yoga, emphasizing breath, alignment, and mindful awareness, as a form of meditation in movement. His personal practice and teaching style is deeply rooted in the Krishnamacharya tradition as it has been passed down to our modern society through Krishnamacharya’s students Pattabhi Jois, B.K.S. Iyengar, T.K.V. Desikachar, and Srivatsa Ramaswami, and through their students in turn. It is his great honor to take place in the long line of yoga teachers stretching back into the mists of antiquity. Kalaka follows the path of yoga for his own continued personal growth and spiritual unfolding, with the intention to be of loving service to the community at large.